Selena Gomez vs Camila Cabello : Who is the Best Singer in 2024 ? Vote Now

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Selena Gomez: As the most dearest to children, Selena Gomez, born on 22nd July 1992 is a multi talented person who is in the field of songwriting, TV production, acting and singing.

Holding a list of awards, she has managed to sell her records worldwide. Apart from being a philanthropist, Selena Gomez has fans all over the world when it comes to her songs.

Camila Cabelo: Starting her career as a competitor of TV series X Factor, Born on 3rd March 1997, Camila Cabelo soon turned out be a successful solo artist after she managed to come to the fourth place in the U.S Billboard.

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She conquered the digital arena when her digital single was the most sold in the year 2018, winning fans from all over the world.

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Selena Gomez vs Camila Cabello
Who is the Best Singer in 2024 ?


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I vote #SelenaGomez to the #BestSinger2024

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