Top Famous Turkish Actresses 2024 – Vote Now

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The Turkish film industry is one of the most prominent film industries with versatile actresses and noted directors. The Turkish film industry is one of the most influential movie industries in the world. The vivid frames and contemporary relevant subjects make the Turkish cinema industry lucrative in world cinema. This remarkable journey of the Turkish film industry not only entertained Turkish audiences but all around in Europe also. Turkish art and culture are quite literally present in the Turkish movie industry. With highly praised movies won many international awards. A series of good movies in the Turkish film industry gained high popularity and appreciation. With the profound growth of the industry, the actors and directors also won international popularity.

A series of top-rated, famous actors and actresses turned the Turkish film industry into one of the most notable film industries in the world around. This change happened drastically within a couple of years. Most of the Turkish movies claimed international reputation and bagged many international awards also. Turkish movies won attention in many film festivals conducted the world around.

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Vote Close 2024

We have listed the top famous Turkish actresses in 2024. You can vote for your favorite actress:

As per the suggestions collected from millions of movie lovers, we have shortlisted the top famous Turkish movie actresses. In the selected actress you can vote and support them to sustain on the top of the list.



This poll has ended (since 24 days).

Özge Gürel

Ozge Gurel
340,359 Votes

Neslihan Atagül

Neslihan Atagül
302,843 Votes

Esra Bilgiç

Esra Bilgiç
283,230 Votes

Sıla Türkoğlu
247,030 Votes

Burcu Biricik
196,433 Votes

Demet Özdemir
187,591 Votes

Tuba Buyukustun

Tuba Buyukustun
147,553 Votes

Elçin Sangu
112,617 Votes

Afra Saracoglu

Afra Saracoglu
106,682 Votes

Fahriye Evcen

Fahriye Evcen
104,480 Votes

Hazal Subasi

Hazal Subasi
87,624 Votes


Hande Ercel
48,934 Votes

Bergüzar Korel

Bergüzar Korel
29,858 Votes

Ozge Yagiz

Ozge Yagiz
24,824 Votes

Cansu Dere

Cansu Dere
22,619 Votes

Ayça Ayşin Turan

Ayça Ayşin Turan
20,381 Votes

Beren Saat

Beren Saat
20,213 Votes

Hazal Kaya

Hazal Kaya
13,908 Votes

Burcin Terzioglu

Burcin Terzioglu
13,838 Votes

Meryem Uzerli

Meryem Uzerli
12,768 Votes
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I vote #HazalSubasi to the #TopFamousTurkishActress2024

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The listed top famous Turkish movie actresses in 2024 are your favorite actresses. Their attractive and pleasing appearance enriched the industry. If any of your favorite most famous Turkish actresses missing from our list, you can easily mention your favorite actress. As depends on the likes and based on the comments we will insert your actress in the list.

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  1. #YağmurYüksel ,se merece un puesto dentro de las mejores actriz ,siendo su principal protagonico trasmite lo que está sintiendo en esos momentos, bella en toda la expresión de la palabra se merece un reconocimiento.

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